Some time ago, unfortunately, one more old haberdasher's from the neighbourhood closed doors... In one of my last visits to the shop, I asked if they were also selling the furniture. They certainly did... So, I negociated the purchase of two threads storage cupboards, and as an extra, an old wood metter. The general condition of the furniture was the reflex of much use, but, with an eye on re-cycling and inspired by something I saw here, I started working. I bought some extra material (wall-paper and proper glue for the exterior, white paint for the interior, double face self-adhesive tape and four little wheels) and have ben playing for a while... Husbund also gave me a little hand!
Finally, it's finished... and it's in one corner from my home, where I do my experiences with needles and thread. They form one unit and the wheels make it easy to move from one place to another. The several little boxes where I kept the stuff are now out of the way, and everything is labeled drawers. Finding something takes only seconds!
Até a minha pequena colecção de rendas, fitas e galões encontrou um lugar próprio. Estão arrumadas em pequenos cartões legendados com a sua proveniência e a data em que fiz a aquisição...
Even my ribbon and lace collection found a proper place. I re-arranged them in little cards labeled with the date and store where I bought them...
Como elemento decorativo, acolhe um frasco de vidro onde guardo as antigas linhas com que a minha mãe, ainda pequena, aprendeu a bordar na sua primeira máquina de costura.
To decorate, on top stands a glass bottle where I kept all the old threads used by my mother, when she was a young girl, to learn machine embroidery on her first sewing machine.